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Online photoshop tool, photoshop user guide #1


    The online photoshop tool is a guide to using the online photoshop tool for you to use the fast and free photoshop learning tool online on web.

    Online photoshop tool Online photoshop tool, photoshop user guide #1

    Tools in photoshop website

    Web photoshop has 4 main groups of most used online photoshop tool:

    • Group 1: tools to move, crop, crop images, select the object you want to split the background quickly, attract colors.
    • Group 2: A beauty tool in photoshop, which helps to adjust photos more smoothly, remove acne , whiten skin, remove wrinkles, ..
    • Group 3: tools to write text on photos in photoshop, Pen tool to select professional objects for intensive photo cropping.
    • Group 4: move, zoom and choose colors in photoshop online

    How the tool works in learning photoshop

    Palette photoshop Online photoshop tool, photoshop user guide #1

    This is a simulation of the process and operation of an online photoshop tool. The menu bar will vary according to each feature you choose with a variety of operations.

    Instructions for online photoshop tool

    PTS group of moving tools

    IconTool nameDescribe the function used
    cong cu pts 1 Photoshop online tool, photoshop user guide

    Move Tool (shortcut V)
    • To move any object in PTS such as layer mask, text, crop image
    • Select the tool> select the layer containing the object. Hold down the left mouse button to move.
    • Right-click to quickly find the object you want to move.
    cong cu pts 2 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideMarquee (shortcut M)
    • The scanning tool selects objects to quickly cut images to a square, rectangle, or ellipse.
    • After scanning select. You can press CTRL + J to separate the selected object into a new layer.
    cong cu pts 3 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideLasso, Polygonal Lasso and Magnetic Lasso (shortcut L)
    • Similar to the online Marqueee Photoshop tool, but with greater customization.
    • Lets scan, cut, select objects to your liking in any shape.
    cong cu pts 4 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideQuick Selection, Magic Wand (shortcut W)
    • The function is still to quickly select the object, the object area to cut or edit. But just like the name Magic (magic).
    • It uses AI (artificial intelligence or algorithms) to quickly select an object.
    • For example instead of cutting a flower. You can use it to cut the tool with just one click.
    cong cu pts 5 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideCrop (shortcut C)
    • Crop compression, reduce the image size to your desired size
    cong cu pts 6 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideEyedropper (shortcut I)
    • How to absorb color fast in photoshop

    Beauty online photoshop tool

    IconTool nameDescribe the function used
    cong cu pts 7 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guide


    Spot Healhing Brush Tool, Healing Brush Tool, Patch Tool (phím tắt J)
    • In photoshop software, this is the best and most advanced beauty removal tool.
    • Its feature is to automatically correct blemishes, remove acne, turn wrinkles, copy the same image into another area.
    cong cu pts 8 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideBrush Tool, Pencil tool (Shortcut B)
    • Drawing tools in Photoshop. You can customize different settings such as size, brush stroke, hardness, Opacity on the control panel at the bottom of the menu.
    cong cu pts 9 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideClone Stamp Tool (Shortcut S)
    • This is still a tool to copy image areas or delete points. But it allows you to blend new and old regions with each more professional customization.
    cong cu pts 10 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideEraser Tool (shortcut E)
    • This is an eraser in the PTS software. You can delete any region. It is possible to erase, delete strongly according to desired requirements. Useful if you want to combine 2 photos together such as: transplantation, hand transplantation, etc.
    cong cu pts 11 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideGardient Tool, Paint Bucket Tool (phím tắt G)
    • Rainbow-colored tool
    cong cu pts 12 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideBlur Tool, Sharpen Tool, Smudge Tool
    • Blur tool: Blur image tool
    • Sharpen Tool: Sharpen the image area
    • Smudge tool: create small or large scratches, useful in the process of redrawing hair in photos.
    cong cu pts 13 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideDodge Tool, Burn Tool (shortcut O)
    • Dodge and Burn tool: Tools to create contrast for images. For example, you can lighten the skin on a specific area you want it to lighten or darken by using a mouse “swipe”.

    Tool to insert text into photos in photoshop

    IconTool nameDescribe the function used
    cong cu pts 14 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guide


    Text Tool (shortcut T)
    • Simply type, write letters.
    • Can be combined with custom layer to create many different text styles.
    cong cu pts 15 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guidePen Tool (shortcut P)
    • The Pen Tool is almost necessary in all adobe software, not just web photoshop online.
    • It allows you to cut, draw, adjust almost everything you want to create.
    • This is a specialized tool so there are many uses in many adobe graphics software.
    cong cu pts 16 Tools for photoshop online, how to use photoshop toolsPath select(shortcut A)
    • This is the auxiliary tool of Pen Tool in this online photoshop software.
    • The effect is to move and adjust the points after you use the Pen tool.
    cong cu pts 17 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideRectangle (shortcut U)
    • Draw special shapes such as square, rectangle, circle, ellipse, line, star, etc.

    Photoshop end tool

    IconTool nameDescribe the function used
    cong cu pts 18 Tools for photoshop online, how to use photoshop tools


    Hand Tool (shortcut H)
    • Use when the zoomer (zoom) a photo enlarges. And want to move to see other areas of the image instead of zooming in.
    cong cu pts 19 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideZoom Tool (Z)
    • Zoom in the picture big or small
    cong cu pts 20 Photoshop tools online, photoshop user guideChoose a color
    • Choose colors to use when needed. You can change the position of 2 colors up and down with the D key.
    • If you want to fill a selected area or fill the whole image.
    • Operation used is:
    • Ctrl + Delete: fill in the color palette below.
    • Alt + Delete: fill in the color palette above

    For starters, online photoshop tool is really the most simple and easy to understand textbook. Before coming to the lessons of cutting, editing, let’s learn how to use and the basic features of the tools in photoshop online first.

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    In photoshop online, the toolbox (Toolbox) usually appears in the left corner of the screen. Tools are divided into 4 groups, including: A. Selection, cropping and measuring; B. Retouching and painting; C.

    Drawing and type; The last is D. Navigation. The bottom part of the toolbar is E. Foreground and Background. Each group has related features.

    When clicking on any tool in the toolbox, the options panel corresponding to that tool will appear on the screen, right below the menu (Palette Options).

    Photos before and after using the Blur Tool. In this case, you can duplicate the layer and then work directly on the background behind the dog. 

    On the other hand, if you want to do more carefully, you can separate the part that wants to be blurred with the Lasso Tool. Actions: Select the area around the dog (keeping the definition around the main object the image will be more natural) → Press Shilf + Ctrl + I or select Select + Inverse to invert the selection → Duplicate the layer (Ctrl + J or Cmd + J for macOs) → Work with the Blur Tool on the layer just created. 

    keyboard shortcuts adobe photopea
    keyboard shortcuts adobe photopea

    That is all the tools in PTS. I will try to make videos to guide you to study. Support me by clicking on the google ads. Thanks.

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